Scheduled Email Snapshots
You can have a snapshot of your dashboard(s) emailed to you on a schedule. This can be daily, weekly, monthly, or on the first or last day of a month. Some examples of how our customers use it are: *…
You can have a snapshot of your dashboard(s) emailed to you on a schedule. This can be daily, weekly, monthly, or on the first or last day of a month. Some examples of how our customers use it are: *…
We can now make the text size on graphs larger, perfect for graphs displayed on large screens on your office or warehouse. The only option before now was Small. Now we can make it Medium or Large depending on your…
What is a data warehouse, and when do you need one? There’s many uses for data warehouses but I’m gonna talk about when we need to use them for dashboards 📊. Usually it’s when the software you want to connect…
It’s either expected, or unexpected, I can’t decide which, but this is one of the most common questions I get asked!. My dashboard partner, Klipfolio, addressed this question in a good post recently. I’ve pulled out the summary below, you…
When using Power BI or Klipfolio as a business dashboard these are biggest differences: Klipfolio refreshes your data more often, starting at 1 hour, with 30 minutes, 15 minute and up to the minute data options also available. Power BI…